Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer 2012 Newsletter

Newsletter:  Summer 2012

The skies are telling the glory of God
and the earth proclaims God’s handiwork. 
Day to day they speak and night to night
they share what they know. 
There is no speech; their voice is not heard,
yet their song goes out through all the earth.    
~   Psalms 19:1-4

May and June are very busy months in the world of Sunday Club.  We have the end of the year events – student and teacher recognition, Pentecost party, and the intense planning for Summer Stretch and Summer Club.  For me personally, this also falls during my busiest time of the year for work, there are final exams and papers in my classes, and it is a busy time with my family, with dance recitals and baseball.  And then of course there are end-of-school picnics, parties, and presentations.


So when I was invited by the Bishop’s office to attend a Youth Ministers retreat from May 29 – 31 this year, my first thought was, “I don’t have time for that!”  My second thought was, “Will I get my own room and a bit of silence?”  When my husband told me he would do anything it took to make sure I could carve out the time to go, I knew I probably needed it more than I even realized.

Off I went.

I made many good connections with other youth ministers across Minnesota.  I learned some new approaches to children’s ministries, and talked about curriculum with others.  We all dreamed about what we could do if only….    If only there was more money…. more time…  If only we could bring to life all we envision…

But the most important thing I gained from the conference was time to process a question presented to us by the Bishop:  Why do you do what you do?  

Not what do you do or how do you do it, but why?  And, Bishop Prior said, “Because there is no one else who will do it” is not the answer. 

WHY do you do what you do? 

Life is extremely busy.  It would be easier, more simple, if I did not do everything I do.  And yet, I do it.  Life is busy for you, too.  And yet, you continue to do all you do.

I pondered the question for the entire retreat and I continue to ponder it now.  Why do I do what I do? 

In terms of St. Anne’s… I think I do what I do because the knowledge that God is around me at all times, in all manners of manifestation, brings a deep peace to my life.  At times it has saved my life.  I love helping children learn to connect to that deep peace.   And I do it because the children of St. Anne’s teach me, too.  I see the face of Christ in each them; I see their spirits glow with the divine.    

Maybe that is why I do what I do. 

And now I present to you my new favorite question: 

Why do YOU do what you do?   

During the summer months, we have some down time in regard to children’s activities here.  But still, you continue to come to St. Anne’s.  You bring your children on Sunday mornings, to sing and to pray.  You sit in the Peace Garden and you walk the path together.  You make time to nurture your children’s spiritual lives and you make time for St. Anne’s.  Life might be easier, more simple, if we all just slept in on Sunday mornings, especially during the summer.  But we do not.  Drop me an email sometime this summer  –  I really would love to know your why.

P e a c e,
Magnetic poetry by a Summer Stretcher
THIS is one of my whys!

Upcoming dates for your calendars:

July 30-Aug. 3: Episcopal Creative Arts Day Camp. 9 am-3 pm, St. Mark’s Cathedral. Ages 4 years through entering 6th grade. Fee: $50.00 (scholarships available) Contact Mary Lusk:
August 2:  Summer Stretch & Club trip to Valley Fair

August 18th:
  St. Anne’s garage sale.  If we want to do a Sunday Club bake sale at this time, we need a coordinator.  Let me know if you are interested!

September 8:
  Think Globally, Run Locally 5K at Lebanon Hills in Eagan.  A great family event!  Register here!

September 30th:
  First day of 2012 – 2013 Sunday Club.  Commissioning of teachers at the 10:30 service.