Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Newsletter: October 2012

There are two ways to see the world:  one is as if nothing is a miracle. 
The other is as if everything is a miracle.”
                                                                                - Albert Einstein                                                                     

Dear Saint Anne’s families,

This summer, when NASA touched down on Mars during the same week that news of the Chik-Fil-A controversy was also unavoidable, I received a “joke” card via email from a friend of mine.  The card depicted a photo of the Mars landing and text over the top of the photo in the form of a mock letter that read, “Dear Religion, while you were busy arguing over a chicken sandwich, I landed on Mars.  Sincerely, Science.”

I have to admit, the card stung.  I know it was meant to be a joke.  But still, it stung.  It stung, I think, because it is still a common misperception in certain circles, that science and intellect are on one side of the coin and faith on the other.  That religious people must suspend thought and reason when they enter the doors of a church.  It stung, I think, because in certain circles, religion is still scorned in the name of science.  And because those “certain circles” are sometimes circles of my friends.   The card made me wonder if I need to do a better job of expressing more publically that religion and science are not in any way mutually exclusive in my view.  That for me, the more I learn from science, the more amazed I am at the complexity and intricacy of the world.  That in fact, science helps me to see the world as more sacred and more holy, not less.   The card made me want to invite my friend and her daughter to Sunday Club…

As we study Creation in Sunday Club this month with focus on the Creation stories in Genesis, we don’t ask our children to leave their bright minds, their wonderings and questions, and their understandings of science at home.  Our children stand proudly and correctly on the side of science.  In Sunday Club, we bring our knowledge of a living, loving, creative God with us as we travel to Mars.  What we hear in the Creation stories is this:  God was there, and is still here.  This is still the day of Creation.  And what science does is point to all of the miracles that continue to be.  That yes, even on Mars God sees that it is good.   

p e a c e,

Sunday Club dates to remember in November:

November 9 - 11th:  Middle School Retreat: St. John’s in the Wilderness
November 17:  Youth Bell Choir performance at the Mall of America, 3:30 pm.
November 18th:  Tween bowling (3rd - 8th grades) with St. Mary’s.  1:00 pm
November 25:  Advent Wreath Making during Sunday Club Hour

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